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URL Targeting

url targeting

Apurva avatar
Written by Apurva
Updated over a year ago

URL Targeting is the process of enabling a campaign only when a user visits a specific URL. You can target singular pages or a group of pages with the help of ConvertWise’s URL Targeting feature and run your campaigns.

ConvertWise allows you to use URL targeting when you are launching a campaign with the help of a few conditions.

Equals To, Contains, and Not Contains

You can set certain conditions to determine on which pages the campaign will be shown. These conditions can be of the form:

  1. Equals To

  2. Contains

  3. Not Contains

Equals To

This implies that the campaign will only be shown on the pages with the URL that you specify. Example: URL entered:


This implies that the campaign will appear on any page that has the parameter you specify in its URL, regardless of where it is located in the URL. Example: Parameter entered: products

Not Contains

This implies that the campaign will not appear on any page that has the parameter you specify in its URL. Example: Parameter entered: products

You can also combine these conditions and add up to 5 different conditions at a time. The campaigns will run on pages that meet any one of your defined conditions.

Clicking on the + Add Condition button will allow you to add another condition. You could choose "AND" or "OR" between these two conditions.

For instance, you can use the Contains and Not Contains conditions together with different path parameters. Example:

Contains: oversized

Not Contains: jackets

If you have an e-commerce store that sells clothing items, this campaign will specifically run for oversized shirts and T-shirts that are featured in your catalog. However, this campaign will not run on any page that showcases jackets, oversized or not.

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