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Recently Viewed
Sachi Dalmia avatar
Written by Sachi Dalmia
Updated over a week ago

What is Recently Viewed?

Adding a Recently Viewed section on your website is a great way to remind a visitor what products they were previously interested in. This not only makes navigation easier but also helps in reviving their interest!

How do you create the recently viewed campaign?

Where can you place this?

You can place this widget on your Product Pages, Home page, Cart Page, or Collection Pages. We recommend placing this on multiple high-traffic pages so that the products follow the visitors wherever they browse.

Best practices

  • Position the recommendation widget high up on the page (preferably just below the product images and description on the product page)

  • Match the design from the design tab and make sure the campaign looks like a part of your website.

  • Name this section "Recently Viewed", or "You were looking at".

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