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Types of Segments


Sachi Dalmia avatar
Written by Sachi Dalmia
Updated over a week ago

Segmentation is the process of categorizing users into different groups on the basis of certain pre-selected criteria. We provide you with a set of segments that you can utilize to fine-tune your marketing strategy. You can use these segments to send targeted campaigns to your customers.

These segments are divided into sub-categories such as:

  1. Location

  2. Acquisition

  3. Devices

  4. Visitors

  5. Frequency of Visits

  6. Purchase History

  7. Abandonment

Note: If you want to create a new customized segment for your organization, contact the ConvertWise customer support team.


Dividing your user base into location-specific segments can help you create campaigns that are tailored to each particular location.

One example of segmenting your audience on the basis of location is targeting users in the USA for a campaign centered around the Fourth of July (Independence Day in the United States). You can also create campaigns for users in the UK and Canada for Boxing Day (the day after Christmas).

Personalized campaigns tend to receive positive feedback from customers, making them appreciate your brand even more.




This segment consists of users located in the United States (USA).


This segment consists of users located in the United Kingdom (UK).


This segment consists of users located in Canada.


This segment consists of users located in Australia.


This segment consists of users located in India.


You have the ability to separate your user base based on how they discovered your store. This allows you to provide different treatment to customers who found your store naturally versus those who clicked on a display ad.



Landed via Organic Search

This segment consists of users who discovered your E-commerce store through an organic search for the first time.

Landed via Display Ad

This segment consists of users who discovered your E-commerce store through a display ad for the first time.


You have the option to distinguish between customers who access your store on their mobile devices or desktops. This will enable you to develop targeted campaigns utilizing mobile-focused marketing tactics for the Mobile segment and vice versa.




This segment consists of users who are using your E-commerce store on a mobile.


This segment consists of users who are using your E-commerce store on their desktop.


With ConvertWise, you can easily distinguish between first-time visitors and returning customers on your E-commerce store, as long as they haven't made any purchases yet. This feature enables you to create tailored campaigns for each group.

For instance, you can create a Browse Abandonment Recovery campaign specifically for returning visitors, which can greatly improve their shopping experience.



First-time visitors (No Purchases made)

This segment consists of users who are visiting your store for the first time and have yet to make a purchase.

Returning visitors (No Purchases made)

This segment consists of users who have visited your store more than once and have yet to make a purchase.

Frequency of Visits

Another segment at your disposal is the Frequency of Visits which allows you to combine users who visit your store frequently.



Frequent Visitors (7 days)

This segment consists of users who have visited your store more than 3 times in the last 7 days.

Frequent Visitors (30 days)

This segment consists of users who have visited your store more than 3 times in the last 30 days.

Purchase History

ConvertWise also allows you to differentiate between users on the basis of their purchase history. You can use these segments to target repeat customers or customers who you want to convert more.



Purchased at least once

This segment consists of users who have placed one or more than one orders in your store.

Purchased only once

This segment consists of users who have placed exactly one order in your store.

Purchased more than once

This segment consists of users who have placed more than one order in your store.


You can also show certain campaigns and hero-banners to cart abandoners (those that have abandoned their carts) and browse abandoners (those that have seen a product but not taken any action).

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