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Manual Recommendations
Apurva avatar
Written by Apurva
Updated over 10 months ago

The system takes historical data and recommends products that have been frequently bought together.

You can select whether you want the recommendation type to be

  1. Automatic OR

  2. Manual (by Uploading a CSV or Using Mapping) through the Control section.

To create manual recommendations, follow these steps:

Step 1 - 

Review and launch the frequently bought together campaign.

Step 2 -

Go to the Control panel and from the Recommendation Type drop-down

select "Use Mapping".

Step 3 - 

Start by selecting the Product you want to create recommendations for from the product list. 

Step 4 -
Once you've finalized, feel free to choose the items you'd like to showcase in its recommendations.

Step 5 -
Click save and review before launching the Campaign.

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